is an interactive portal which illustrates the lightweighting-related expertise in Germany – for all materials, technologies and sectors. Organisations can present their processes and activities on this website.

Use the H key to select the menu item for the starting page. Use the O key to select the menu item for organisations. Use the P key to select the menu item for projects. Use the B key to select the menu item for best practice examples. Use the S key to search through this list using free text. Use the C key to restrict this list according to various criteria. Use the I key to read this information out again. Use the M key to access the list of menu items. Use the tab key to jump to subsequent elements.

Declaration of use and copyright


This usage and copyright declaration refers to the Leichtbauatlas and the related publications on its website and in printed media.


Registered users are entitled to enhanced use of the Leichtbauatlas. Registration requires explicit acceptance of this usage and copyright declaration. Registered users do not have an entitlement to membership. Forwarding of access data to third parties is not permitted.

Provision of content

Registered users have the possibility to store texts, videos and images (“material”) about organisations and companies in the Leichtbauatlas.

Registered users grant the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and third parties contracted to store the material by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action a transferable right of use unrestricted in terms of time and place, embracing all types of use of the material for the purpose of using the material in the Leichtbauatlas. They agree that the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and any third party contracted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action may edit and render changes to the material, and may also publish and use this edited and changed material. The editing includes geocoding of registered organisation and companies by third parties. The respective address will also be passed on for this purpose. Texts, videos and images may not be transferred if their content or their publication violates current legislation or public policy. Registered users do not have an entitlement to the publication of the content they provide.

Registered users provide an assurance that they may freely dispose of the rights to use the deposited material and that there are no rights of third parties that prevent the free use of the material by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, in particular no copyright, trade-mark, personal or other protective rights. Registered users further give an assurance that, should a third party possess a copyright for the material, this third party has fully renounced its right to be cited as author pursuant to Section 13 (2) of the Copyright Act.

As a precaution, registered users exempt the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action at the first request from all claims by third parties which the latter derive from any rights of their own to the material. This includes the costs of an appropriate legal defence by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action against third parties. Apart from this, liability is based on statutory provisions.

Registered users do not enjoy any claims to remuneration (fees, licence fees, expenses, etc.) from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action for the use of the deposited material.

Services provided by the operator

The provision of depends on the technical and financial capacities of the operator. The operator does not enter into any obligations to provide a service. In particular, the registered users have no entitlement to permanent availability of the Leichtbauatlas.